All oil paintings are 100% hand painted by our professional artists. Modern painting is our major subject, includes abstract, flower, landscape, knife painting.

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Figurative art describes any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure. Modern figurative art can be seen as distinct from modern realism in that figurative art uses modern idioms, while modern realists work in styles predating post-impressionism (more or less). In fact, modern figurative art is more or less identical with the general current of expressionism that can be traced through the twentieth century and on.


Figurative art describes any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure. Modern figurative art can be seen as distinct from modern realism in that figurative art uses modern idioms, while modern realists work in styles predating post-impressionism (more or less). In fact, modern figurative art is more or less identical with the general current of expressionism that can be traced through the twentieth century and on.